Reduce food waste: use resq!
ResQ Club is a Finnish app that battles food waste, it shows you restaurants that offer leftover foods with discounted prices.
You can discover new restaurants, cafeterias and grocery stores at around 50% discount and create a more sustainable environment while at it.
Second hand shopping
Whether you are looking for winter clothes, a pair of ice skates, furniture or a new laptop, buying second hand is always the more sustainable choice. Finding excatly what you want is however tricky.
We introduce to you some second hand stores of Tampere as well as online markets to make it easier for you to find what you need!
veggie restaurants
Eating vegetarian or plant based food has proven to be more climate friendly. In Tampere life is easy for vegetarians as usually all restaurants serve something vege. We highly recommend you to try a veggie option next time you are eating out!
Here are some of our favourite veggie restaurants!
Shared electric cars for Toas tenants
Did you know that as a TOAS tenant you can rent an electric car with cheap price?
They are perfect in case you want to make a small trip close to Tampere, pick up something heavy or go somewhere the bus doesn't go.
Traveling to & from tampere sustainably
Traveling by plane is easy, fast and comfortable. Unfortunately it can also be pricey and unsustainable. Instead of going traveling by flying, why not make your travel back home from Tampere into an adventure and use public transportation such as buses, trains and boats?
Traveling out of Finland without flying is unconventional but not at all impossible. More and more people avoid flying due to the high CO2 emissions and look for alternatives. We at ESN FINT want to promote green travels, and have prepared a guide for traveling back home from Tampere without taking a single flight! This way of traveling is more time consuming but has many benefits: